You’ll definitely be on to the sweet smell of something successful when you swing into Kenny’s Place, not far off of Maricamp and 52nd in Ocala. It’s not just because you’re surrounded by horticulture and house plants, aromatic annuals and pretty perennials (all for sale), it’s
because of the reason for Kenny’s Place, the hardworking folk and happy faces behind those shovels and watering cans that tells the story.
Once We Who Care, Kenny’s Place (named after the former landowner), has been bringing something immeasurable to the lives of some 15 plus differently-abled individuals who have worked there since 1993. The Nursery provides hands-on experience to young men and women who are happily motivated to till the soil and plant the seeds. The growth they see is in both themselves and the natural materials they work with.
Kenny’s Place would not exist if it weren’t for the generosity of the Leo Wiechens family, who admirablly afford many of Marion County’s mentally disadvantaged the rare advantage of something real and fulfilling in their lives. You’ll find Kenny’s Place a pleasant hub of productivity, well-kept and well-maintained by its volunteer staff, who live with varying degrees of ability. All of the products produced at Kenny’s Place are available to the public, Monday through Saturday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Stop in and see & smell something extraordrinarily successful.
We offer tours!
Do you have a garden club, school club, or a group of friends that are interested in gardening and what we do at Kenny's Place Nursery? We offer tours free of charge! Give us a call at 352-867-1213 or email us at kennysplacenursery@centurylink.net to set up a date and time for you to visit.